3 card trick

Jo Elliott
6 min readSep 18, 2021

I have been drawing guidance cards at the beginning of every day and these were the ones that came out today.

I have decided to add the poems and writing I have written in relation to these cards

Guidance Cards

I wrote this one as a way of explaining that I have dreams and that I work to make my dreams come true here and now, not just voice them and forget about them.

Dreams give you the drive to get up each morning; aspirations give you the strength to carry on each day.

They are important and it is important to acknowledge them!

Put them out there, put them in place, live your life towards them, believing they will come, as if they had already arrived, with them within you.


Is it wrong to look to the future and wonder what could be?

Is it wrong to live in hope of a certain life for me?

Our dreams and aspirations can lead us on our way,

we can focus on what they may be while living in this day.

Even if they’re far away we can work with them right now,

we can build a wall up brick by brick instead of wondering how.

We may find disappointments, we may experience loss

and we can be the rolling stone that doesn’t gather moss.

Even a minute of every day can place our dreams with us,

then get on with the rest of the day without making any fuss.

It doesn’t matter how long or short, it’s the power to believe

and opening up to deserving it that helps us to receive.

If it’s really what we’re wanting and inside our heart is true

we’ll be guided to ways to make it work in everything we do.

It’s all about just recognising the signs that are there to see

and acting on our impulses to make our dreams our reality.

I wrote this poem when I started to realise I was worth more than what was on offer!

More than the games, more than the fear, more than the prospects, more than the insecurity and so much more than I allowed myself to feel.

I see real all around me, I witness great relationships, I see love how it is and I felt so worthless.

I was able to want something that can never be real.

I was able to keep myself in a fantasy.

Even to the point where I led myself to believe that I was making the choice to be with him because I love him, even if we were cheating on someone else with him.

I know that if I opened my door to him he would be here.

I also know that he would take over my home, dictate to his own means and if he wasn’t then happy, create disharmony.

My home is peaceful and harmonious and there is no place for someone who has the purpose of disrupting that!

I am a part of this world, I deserve to be a part of this world and I deserve to be loved and cherished openly in this world as the person I am.

Self Worth

I love you

yet we cannot be

soul mates together amid negativity.

I’ve come to see what I offer is wrong

and I will not be a make do

until someone else comes along.

I know how you feel now

I’ve got all you’ve said,

I’ve taken the time

all your words are re-read.

I no longer need to act on the love that I feel

for you,

I now live in a world that is real.

Its not me you want

or you would be here,

you choose to live your life surrounded by fear.

I’m not fussed with one day

or living with hope.

I’m living in this day,

no more will I mope.

I’ll not waste my time with someone unreal

who yo-yos around

unable to feel!

Stick with the ones who want this too,

I’ve got better things in my life to do.

Be careful what you wish for it may just come true,

this applies to others as well as you.

They said go get her and then willed me away.

It’s time you realised I’m not here to play!

Go listen to their negative,

keep yourself in their hole,

let them beat you

if that is their goal.

Prove to them you have no fight

that you want to live amongst their fright,

if that’s what you want

go seek and find.

Although leave me out of it,


if you don’t mind!

Positive thoughts,

happiness brings.

A spring in your step

with all the good things.

It’s time to move on from the way I was then,

the answers I need are in my book and my pen.

There’s nothing left of what we once had,

all the good has come through, there’s no room for bad.

There are only my feelings

the same they’ll stay,

though they won’t be a part of the games that you play.

They’ll live on regardless,

no changes will there be.

Just a happiness that I can live with them

as well as be free.

Free to love

without holding back,

it no longer matters if it’s something you lack.

Nothing can stop it,

this much is true

and it doesn’t matter if it’s not met by you.

Together or apart we will never meet

as long as you let the negative beat


At the end of the day the choice that you make

will be whatever you want it to be,

real or fake.

Know that what I want has to be real,

honesty and integrity

and able to feel.

Love and trust and able to care,

with an open heart

ready to share.

Dreaming the Soul Back Home

I just came across details of a course on the internet to Dream your Soul Back Home and the picture that I saw was someone standing at the bottom of a pyramid.

This to me was confirmation that when I found my point of power this was what I was doing.

Each time I went to the pyramid and spent time with my guides or with the parts of my soul that were returning home.

I remember going there, I remember climbing the steps, sometimes alone, sometimes being helped or walked with, I’m guessing that this was when I needed some form of support.

I remember at times laying with my head on one guide and my feet on another and receiving healing from them. I remember at times just meditating, although I don’t remember much of the content, I then remember returning and carrying on with life.

I remember saying, in conversation with someone, a few months back that I haven’t been to my point of power for a while; I will make time to return to there and see what is relevant to where I am now.

Thank you for the reminder and the confirmation of this particular part of my journey, as with everything, it was amazing!

What is equally amazing is how the threads of life are weaved so I get days like these.

I feel truly blessed to be here and part of it, Thank You!

My Point of Power

I climbed the steps to way up high

It’s what I did, I didn’t know why

Sometimes accompanied, sometimes alone

Into a territory that was unknown.

At time the steps were very steep

It was such hard work it made me weep

At times I was on my hands and knees

Other times I climbed with ease

Either way I had to be

At the top to reclaim me

Sometimes I was guided through

Yet even when I was alone, I grew

There I went and off I’d go

Each moment there helped me to grow

Piece by piece my soul returned

Bringing with it lessons learned

Sometimes I had to journey far

And to stop me going off the radar

Some help would come along to me

To ground me where I needed to be

My hair was also gently stroked

By the gentle protection I invoked

I’d set myself to meditate

And everything would dissipate

My memory, of this time, is none

I just came back when I was done

Then took some time to rest a while

Then living so, to reconcile

The part that had returned to me

The part that chose to be set free

No longer lost, it had been found

No longer hidden, now in the foreground

Ready now to be on show

To fit in place, be part of Jo


Thank You for reading 💖



Jo Elliott

Me,,, My words, my writing, my poetry, my craft, my loves, my inspirations, my muses, my depths, my joys, my life,,,