
Jo Elliott
Dec 30, 2021



So, I have completed what I set out to do and more it would seem.

I have uploaded all the poems from my 2 books that I have self published and included a short descriptive piece on most of them.

2020/21 gave me a lot of opportunity to do this, from the start of the pandemic and being furloughed and I am truly grateful for this!

The old procrastination set in a few times and I managed to get through it.

That was a massive achievement in itself!

Next, more poems?

Other scribblings?

I should say so, seen as I have passed by the completion of the 2 books and carried on

I have thoroughly enjoyed writing this blog and I am looking forward to carrying on.

Thank you for reading ๐Ÿ’–



Jo Elliott

Me,,, My words, my writing, my poetry, my craft, my loves, my inspirations, my muses, my depths, my joys, my life,,,